Archlinux repository

We run a public arch linux repository.
This repository contains the linux-covolunablu-gaming package as well as other packages taken from aur.

Adding our repository

Add the following lines to /etc/pacman.conf

SigLevel = Required DatabaseOptional
Server =$arch

Then refresh pacman with pacman -Syy

Adding developer keys

To enable signature verification, you need to execute these lines as root to receive our public keys on your computer and local sign them

# pacman-key --recv-keys 8C5320073D23A1DF62F8CA924801BCDB3D6E7BD8
# pacman-key --lsign-key 8C5320073D23A1DF62F8CA924801BCDB3D6E7BD8
# pacman-key --recv-keys 931BDF703472406559504CF153F97A2DADE36160
# pacman-key --lsign-key 931BDF703472406559504CF153F97A2DADE36160

The key owners are Matteo De Carlo (3D6E7BD8) and Roberto Benfatto (ADE36160)